
Perfect guide on “How to stop being negative”

How to stop being negative
How to stop being negative

Are you one of those people who crave to find the answer to “How to stop being so negative” or “how to stop being negative minded”? Before answering the questions directly, how if we begin with, “What is the main cause of negative thinking?” Negative thinking commences with various negative thoughts, thought distortions, irrational beliefs, and some moments that leave negative marks on lives. These thoughts can pop up suddenly or can grow through the years of abuse, trauma, and unfortunate events. Negative thinking is common among people who are having depression or anxiety as well. 

However, why is someone always look for the negative? Someone who has been negative for a very long time might notice that;

  • Going with your day without angry or upset is getting continuously hard.
  • You always expect the worst possible outcome and think it is the only result when something stressful happens.You cannot be happy with positive events as you immediately think, “this is temporary, and something bad will happen soon.”

So you can see that, because something terrible happened earlier, you generalize and think that is bound to happen again. As a result you every good thing is out of your notice! Admit that these thoughts only trick your mind, and reality has nothing to do with them. Of course, you have just trained your mind to be negative all the time, and those cause you to be a negative person.

How to stop being negative
How to stop being negative

How to stop being a negative person? How to stop being negative minded actually?

When the times are tiresome and challenging, people start to blame almost everything they meet and fall into negativity. They continuously ask questions like “how to stop being negative and angry” or “how do I stop being negative and complaining?” But just a few walk out with the right answers. That is why many of them fail on different sides of their lives. Negativity can suck out the energy you expend on a useful task like a leech. So some people fail in relationships, and others fail at work or school. You may ask, “how do I stop being so negative in my relationship?” or “how to stop being negative at work.” For all these questions, the answers are simple and ordinary.

Who loves to fail in everyday life by thinking continuously about the negative side of life? Indeed, such a side exists, but why can we not focus on the other side? Do you want to keep staying in the gloom or have a bright and cheerful tomorrow? You stepped on this article probably because you choose the second option. Negative thinking prevents people from seeing the bright and beautiful side of their lives and makes them careless of the positive. It results in a series of sanity-breaking incidents and much mental pressure. So, how to stop being negative all the time? Follow the steps given below and cheer up your gloomy mindset.

Eliminate negative beliefs

You have to admit that your negative beliefs cause you to be a negative person. These beliefs sand like the roots of the tree named “your negativity.” The deeper the roots go, the stronger the tree stands. Instead of cutting branches of the negativity, dig into the roots and pull them away. Next question; how do you identify your negative beliefs for sure? Just take a piece of paper and write all your negative thoughts down.

These thoughts might be about you or any other one or towards the whole society. No matter what, be honest with yourself and write what is dragging you down. After you finish writing all the thoughts which lead you to negativity, you are well aware that you must get rid of those. Now you can start the digging and take care of the roots one by one! Even though you might feel uneasy about dealing with your own thoughts, think wisely and get rid of the negativity.

Stop criticizing

If you think that everything will happen exactly according to your wish, you will surely catch disappointment. Let people be what they are and do what they do, and stop criticizing them at all. Aware that you will gain nothing from being negative about something. Each and every place in the world is filled with different needs and expectations. Do not be too opinionated and make standards on how things should be or not. Always think that your opinion is as valuable as everyone else’s. Be what you are but stop expecting others to be the exact same. No matter how ridiculous some opinions seem, tolerate them at the moment and throw them away in no time.

Change your thoughts from negative to positive

Are you labeling the life situations with guesses like, “I will never be capable of this” or “this will fail for sure”? Then without a doubt, you are feeding yourself the negativity. Instead, let things happen in vain, expecting nothing at all. Whatever happens, they will. Do not bind your thoughts with fear of failure or critical expectations. Instead of asking why half of the glass is empty, embrace the half-filled with water! Notice little positive and bright things, which can be utterly small sometimes. Answer the questions with, I could this much and stop mentioning just how much you could not. Keep yourself a thought notebook which can be helpful to frame your irrational thoughts and unhealthy thinking patterns.

Stop being jealous

Jealousy can significantly damage the self-confidence and the sanity of a person. No matter how much you browse on the internet to find ways to be positive. If you are jealous, it will lead you to think negatively of yourself. Jealousy has no power in making your life better. There are better ways to achieve what you want. What causes jealousy? Mainly, envy comes when you compare yourself with others’ lives. You must admit that there are always happier, smarter, richer, better-looking, or more talented people around you. You will not gain a thing by trying to surpass or defeat them all, and it is impossible. So compare yourself only to yourself. Even though you compare yourself to others, do not feel pressure; push yourself to the better instead. If you have enough self-love, you will never waste time finding who is better than you and will take steps to grow yourself.

How to stop being negative
How to stop being negative

Practice being positive with a journal

Start with a positive journal. This little step will record your positive process and help you recall your actions within a day. Keeping a positive journal is a creative and fun way to neglect your negative thoughts. They make you aware of your own thoughts and help to focus you on the bright side of everything. Doing positive exercises on a daily basis makes you take action towards positive thoughts. As we all know, the first step of achieving anything is taking action.

If you refuse to take any action in the first place, it means you fail by default. So take the measure of defeating the negativity in your mind. When you go to sleep, always keep something bright on your mind that happened to you with closed eyes. At the time you get up in the morning also, imagine something positive that you wish to happen to you during the day. Whenever a negative thought passes across your mind, use your positive journal to boost your positivity. You can write down the negative thoughts in your journal as well. But on the next page, write the positive thoughts you could replace with those negative thoughts. If you train your mind to replace the negativity like this, you can walk out of the negativity’s gloom.

Work on stress-releasing activities

Tiredness and being exhausted impact mindsets and make people negative without any specified reason. That is why you find yourself angry, moody, and irritated when you are tired. You need to rewire your brain and create a space for bright and beautiful positive thoughts. In order to do that, first, you have to relax yourself and de-stress daily. For that, you can train with mindfulness activities, self-care activities, calming down activities, and anti-anxiety practices.

Do not be negative towards others  

Do you feel uneasy about being possible when you vibe with someone? In a case like that, do not hesitate to leave his/her side. You know that every person has this undeniable right of doing what they think is the best. If someone makes you negative with his/her thoughts or actions, or if you cannot go with their ideas, then quit. Understand this right. It is impossible for everyone to have some ideas, and it is totally okay not to agree with each other. But if anyone is making a negative impact on you, then something is off. Do not let anyone feed you negativity, or else you will drown in it. In this case, you can also have some experience of tolerance and manage anger and disappointment. Let go of anger and disappointment you accumulate towards people because they do not act like you want them to. If you think you make a negative impact on people, you must stop doing that as well.

Make a positive environment

Your moodiness grows with a dirty and unclear environment. A beautiful, bright, clean, and clear sight can generate your positive thoughts easily. Dust, clutter, dirt, or old or broken things add up Stress and negativity to a blown mind. Any of us can agree with the fact that a tidy environment can fix our mood than a dirty one does. So at home or workplace, always keep a clean and clear environment to push away your negative thoughts.

Break the same routine

The same day-to-day routine can be exhausting sometimes. You feel lazy, negative, and aggressive, all because nothing changes in your life. In this case, it is common to feel like you are stuck in a loop and hard to find any escape. But the escape is nearer than you think! Our brains crave things that are exciting and fresh. So pack your things up and go on a trip without thinking twice. Call the best among the best friends and talk to them while having a pool of fun. If you are capable, plan a get-together and hang out with “long time no-see” friends. You will see that the one who is tired and disappointed is not only you. If you appreciate just your own companionship, go for theater or musical.

How to stop being negative
How to stop being negative

Develop a habit of gratitude

Do you know that gratitude is a powerful and straightforward way to help you have a different look at yourself? Always, show your gratitude for every little thing you receive instead of worrying about what you could not earn. Or else you will never notice how much you had until you lost them all. Be grateful to the sunshine, the wind, the spring, and the winter too. Embrace the beauty at the moment and stop expecting more, and you will get rid of the moodiness in no time.

So, follow the steps given and try to reach the positive side of things. Do not hesitate to dream higher and higher, but always be aware that anyone can fail. Instead of thinking, “what if I could not,” start thinking, “what if I will.” If you need to let go of the negativity to the last drop, follow these “how to stop being negative” books.

The Happiness Trap- By Dr. Russ Harris

The Stress- proof Brain- By Melanie Greenberg

The Happiness Track- By Emma Seppala


Negative thought lies within every mind; the less the effect on you, the happier you are. Therefore, stop comparing yourself to others and be grateful for what you have. Always believe that the most beautiful person you can become is what you already are. Focus on what you already have instead of what you could not gain and be positive and happy.

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Written by proxio

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