We all become unbelievably enthusiastic when it comes to learning driving. We want to learn ASAP and take your vehicle on the road like the world is yours. Even thinking about it is such a refreshing sensation. Therefore, all of us who just started learning or about to learn driving have this burning question; “how long does it take to learn how to drive!”
So, you keep on loading the Google with your searches, such as
“Can I learn driving in a week?”
“Can I learn to drive in a month?”
“How long does it take to learn to drive a car?”
“How long does it take to learn how to drive stick?”
This impatience is very understandable. But there are a few things that you need to pay attention to when learning how to drive a car for the first time.
You would be thrilled to know this finding of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). According to them, most people take 45 hours of lessons to learn how to drive, plus 22 hours of practicing!

How long does it take to learn to drive?
Well, the most accurate answer to this question is that it depends. You are unique and different from every living organism on this planet. So, there is no definitive answer.
But we can provide some of the variables that decide your learning time when learning how to drive a car for the first time.
Lessons per week
Having more than 1 lesson for a week is a good practice if possible. During your starting days, more time between driving lessons lets you re-learn and repeat basics.
Try two driving lessons per week for the first month, and once you have got the physical mechanics of making stopping and picking up sorted, you could scale down the frequency if you want.
Private practice
When you have learned for a couple of months and taken your theory lessons, go for some private practice with a parent/ sibling/ friend, with your driving instructor’s advice. You need to get a few things such as learner driver insurance, an L plate on the practicing vehicle, a suitable supervising driver, etc.
Getting enough private practice is one of the critical factors enhancing your driving learning success. It allows you to drive a different car, with a different person, at different times of the day and in different weather. More experience of more driving situations.
Different road situation experience
The longer you learn to drive, the more road conditions you get to experience, different seasons, climates, times, types of roads, etc. That simply means you get a taste of driving in icy conditions, in the dark, and in traffic.
It also means you are likely to encounter road works, summer speeders, school letting out, tractors hauling harvesting machinery. These are what you would l have to deal with alone when you have passed the driving test. Better to face them all while you are with your instructor.
Just think, how long does it take to learn how to drive on the highway? You cannot simply learn it by driving on a regular road. The learning comes along with the hours you spend on the highway practicing driving.
Hazard perception practice
Your driving test is actually an assessment of how well you can deal with hazards. It is not only about how elegantly you steer or how smoothly you break; the key point is SAFETY.
That means your hazard awareness has to be spot on, such as Checking mirrors and reacting to what you see to keep the safety of yourself and other people.
You will obviously get lots of practice with this in your driving lessons. Also, you can do it on your own in the virtual space by registering with different apps designed for driving and hazard perception training.
Level of Highway Code knowledge
What does this sign mean? Who has the right of way? Should I go at this green light or wait for the arrow?!
These are things that can tangle up your driving. You must know the rules of the road from doing your theory test. That is not enough, and you always have to re-read the codes and update your knowledge on driving rules and regulations. This will let you get familiarized with driving quickly. Here also, do not abandon your theory test apps, books, videos, or CDs after getting the actual test out of the way.
Type of gear system
The time takes to learn to drive depends on the type of gear system you are practicing too. How long does it take to learn to drive automatic differs from how long does it take to learn to drive manual?
If you know all the things about how to transmit from one gear to another and how to control the speed, it will not take more than 2 or 3 days to learn to drive a manual car. But how long does it take to learn to drive a manual car always depends on the above other factors as well. There is a learning curve! You might need to practice for few hours in a parking lot before driving stick on the roads.
An automatic vehicle is usually easier to learn when compared to a manual one. All you need to do is put your car in ‘D’ for ‘drive’ and go. Therefore, if you wonder how long does it take to learn to drive automatic, all we can say is it will take lesser time than learning manual.

How long does it take to get comfortable driving?
Learning to drive and being comfortable in driving are entirely two different things. You cannot be a comfortable driver just by practicing with an instructor and passing the test. You need at least 40 hours behind the wheel as a driver in daytime, nighttime, rain, and snow even to start being comfortable. You need ten thousand hours to be an excellent driver in all conditions.
Still not satisfied?
It would be great to share actual beginner driver’s experiences for you to get a realistic idea. If you wonder how long does it take to learn how to drive, Reddit will be a great platform to have a conversation. Just post your question, “how long did it take you to learn how to drive?“. You will be able to get real-life experiences and advice from Reddit users.
Driving tips for new drivers when learning
As you probably already know, learning is an art. It is always not the big theory that matters. You would need tiny tips to improve quickly as a beginner. Following are few such tips.
1. Conquer your fears.
Do not just practice driving in empty parking lots. Barge onto busy highways, change lanes in traffic, drive in a city, and handle a car in various weather conditions. Conquer your fears enough to drive safely.
2. Avoid Distractions.
Be careful about distractions like music, videos, phone ringing tones, etc. You may feel calmer or distracted by these things. Know yourself, and do not take risks. Do not mess with buttons and playlists in traffic.
3. Look ahead and behind.
Not only the car right in front of you, keep an eye on the traffic further up and potential obstacles. Check behind you regularly to make sure someone is not tailgating you.
4. Do not tailgate!
Tailgating is not just rude: it is extremely dangerous. Tailgating is also the cause of most rear-end collisions. Avoid it at all costs!
5. Avoid fast stops and starts.
Keep your stops and starts smooth. Keep an eye on traffic lights. Start slowing down if the light ahead is red or yellow. And do not floor the gas pedal when that light turns green.
6. Watch your blind spot.
Well, Blind spots are one of the most dangerous aspects of driving! Understand about your car and make sure to figure out where your blind spot is. We would also like to recommend looking back by turning your head: better safe than sorry!
7. Keep an eye on road signs.
You can easily miss a signboard when looking straight ahead. Therefore, pay extra attention not to miss any of these signs.
8. Use your blinkers.
Many drivers ignore this rule, and many end up getting into accidents. As a beginner driver, be polite and use this basic courtesy.
9. Drive defensively.
It does not matter what a good driver you are; there is always a possibility that someone else could hit you.

It is pretty much important to keep an eye on the other cars on the road. When you are on the interstate, keep several car lengths between you and the vehicle in front of you. This offers you time to react if the car ahead of you loses control.
10. Do not become a taxi.
It is OK to offer a friend a ride now and then. But you do not want to find yourself bringing several people home, especially when they live in different directions.
11. Be cautious.
Getting a driver’s job for the first time means taking on a new set of safety rules. Be cautious about everyone and everything around you.
12. Do not speed.
Always watch the speed limit. Any more than that, and you could be risking a ticket or even yours or someone else’s life!
13. Put the phone down.
14. Do not drink and drive.
We hope this article gave you a hand to your enthusiasm as a beginner driver. We hope you learn to drive SOON but most importantly SAFE!
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