Why do people believe in astrology?
Astrology is one of the old beliefs or, rather say, science that survived all these years and applied on many occasions in society. What is astrology? The question requires a long explanation. Simply put, astrology is studying how cosmic objects like stars or planets affect our lives. The concept of astrology is that the alignment of stars and planets at the moment you were born can shape your personality, relationships, and future. When talking about astrology, we cannot forget zodiac signs. There are twelve zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius Pisces. Babylonians believed in a 13th zodiac sign called Ophiuchus, but they excluded it. Both Eastern and Western cultures practice astrology, but there are many differences among them.

So what is the purpose of astrology?
Why do we need to know where the stars were when we were born? These questions might already have popped into your mind. The purpose of astrology is to give you a glimpse into your future and warn you or prepare you for the thing that would happen in your life. Astrology does not just study or predict an individual’s life. It says about how a significant cosmic event like eclipses or planet alignments would affect humanity or a country or society in general. Further, astrology offers you the chance to choose a good moment or avoid lousy timing to start something so you can minimize the risks or failure of a certain deed.
Is astrology a science? Why is the answer so grey?
Science is always based on experiments and evidence. So astrology is not a science per se. Astrology does not do a critical evaluation of the explanations or predictions. Therefore, astrology lacks a key part of being a science.
Is there any science behind astrology?
One can say there are some scientific aspects behind astrology. Astrology and science share a few common characteristics. For instance, astrologists try to explain the natural world concerning natural phenomena. They build connections between those two. Astrology uses scientific tools like star maps too.
They both focus on the natural world and try to explain the phenomena in the natural world. Though astrology is seemingly untestable, we can derive testable ideas from astrology. As an example, you can test if a particular zodiac sign is associated with mathematical abilities. You can use a sample of people with that particular zodiac sign and test their mathematical ability and come to a conclusion.
Since these predictions take time to happen – or not happen, it is hard to get evidence or proof. But the knowledge and experience of the ancestors and past astrologists can be taken into account just like scientists use their predecessors’ knowledge.
Can we call it ‘Astrology pseudoscience’?
According to the oxford dictionary, a pseudoscience is “a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method”. Astrology can be put into the category of pseudoscience rather than scientific because of its nature. It is hard to identify a relatable connection between the movements of terrestrial objects and human behavior. Therefore, astrology is more of a belief than an actual evidence-based theorem.
Is astrology real? Is astrology bullshit? What do you think?
People bear different opinions on whether astrology is real.
Most scientists and people of science strongly reject the idea of astrology being real. They say that there cannot exist a relation between the stars and our lives. They claim that astrology does not give a reasonable explanation of what connection is there between these events.
Some people say astrology is “harmless fun”. Many people claim to have read their horoscopes for fun. But there is a harmful side. If someone thinks that there is no point in trying to do better if his/her future is already decided, that is a downside.
Some people believe that ancient astrology is corrupted and polluted by modern sciences, especially psychology.
On the other hand, we can see plenty of people who believe in astrology and horoscope readings.
In the wrapping up, we can use the astrological readings as a tool to improve and empower ourselves. As we learn about the bad or unfortunate things, we can use them to our advantage and be more careful. A horoscope is insightful. We can minimize our weaknesses. We can increase our strengths. It teaches us to be mindful of our choices and think twice. If you are looking for reasons to believe in astrology, take these as examples. Astrology and its predictions can be an excellent opportunity for us to mold our life.

How do horoscopes work? Maybe you can read yours yourself.
A horoscope is a personalized astrological interpretation chart made based on the time and place you were born. An astrologist makes this chart using the alignment of stars and planets at the time you were born.
A horoscope is designed using the Ptolemaic system. It divides the sky into twelve similar parts; each belongs to a zodiac sign. The horoscope presents your personality traits mostly from these signs and which element your zodiac sign belongs to. These four elements are fire, water, air, and earth.
A professional astrologist can read a horoscope in a very detailed manner.
Do you believe in astrology? Do you believe in horoscopes? The choice is yours.
A belief is not about science. It is not about proving something with evidence. If you believe in astrology and horoscopes, you can always make it a strength. They provide you with a psychological profile. Comparing it to yourself is always insightful. So it does not matter what other people believe. If you believe, make good use of it to shape your life and future.
Are stars prefer women? Why do women believe in astrology?
From ancient history, it has always been that women tend to believe in astrology. This is connected with the locus of control, a person’s power to control what happens in their life. Dr. Phil Zuckerman, an author and sociology professor at Pitzer College, suggests that society’s male dominance over centuries might be a reason for this.
Is there a reason why you should not believe in astrology?
Strong and blind beliefs can be harmful to your life as well. A pre-definition of yourself keeps you from reaching your full potential. It might be discouraging. Researchers say that believing in horoscopes can harm a person’s personality and mentality. An astrology reading can be racist and judgmental. No one controls the time or place they are born. Therefore, defining their personality based on the planets and stars is unfair.
Also, different people might have different opinions on astrology. Therefore, two astrologists can interpret the same horoscope in two different ways.
What do you call someone who believes in astrology?
A person who believes in astrology is called a superstitious person. An astrologer is a person who practices and interprets astrology to tell others about their future. An astrologist examines the stars, planets, and other terrestrial objects.
The real matter is not ‘Should we believe in astrology? Or not. It is how you choose to treat yourself and others based on that choice. So make sure you always do what’s only good for you and others.
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