
Problems college students face: Types and practical solutions

everyday problems for students

When we look back into the life, college time is a happy experience for most of us. Those times have their ups and downs. But, ultimately, even the harsh experiences become a beautiful memory as time passes. However, the late teens and the early twenties can be a bit of a roller coaster. College and the university are huge reasons for this. Every student goes through these hardships at least once in their college life. That makes it essential to understand the nature of the problems college students face.

Why should we know about the problems college students face?

Each year, millions of students enroll in college and universities worldwide. In the United States, this proportion is about 20 million of the country’s total population in2020. Approximately one third of the above proportion studies at public universities. The remaining group enrolls in private colleges or universities. 

College students have to undergo a transition stage during this period. Physical and psychological changes and environmental changes affect their lifestyle. College and family are the immediate environments for students. Therefore, even the slightest change has a considerable impact on their lives. It is essential to provide them a space to grow to their best shape. Family, friends, college administration, and society share collective responsibility.

What are the problems college students face and how to overcome them? 

What problems do college students face? 

Each step of life is a challenge. However, what’s the fun of life without a little challenge? In the end, challenges are what help us to mature. It allows people to see their selves in a new light. Problems that college students face can be categorized into groups. So it easy to suggest the solutions and methods overcome these problems.

Everyday problems for students

everyday problems for students

Time management

Problem-Sometimes it is hard to manage all the things on your plate. Available time has to share among academic work, extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Young adults often pay attention to their social life. The majority of the students do a part-time job to afford their needs and wants. All these workloads can be a huge stress to manage and lead to exhaustion.


Do not panic!

Prioritize your work for the day and plan your schedule for the week. Be smart to allocate appropriate time for each task. Try to complete them within the time. No matter how much you need to complete the job, take a break. Have some time for yourself and do what you like. Go for a walk, meet your friends, and try to overcome the stress. Come back to your work, and then you will be surprised by your performance.

Financial problems

Problem-It is no secret that the cost of living keeps increasing at an alarming rate. You may be struggling with your tuition fees, housing, and meals. As a result, students tend to consider dropping out of college due to higher costs. This leads to a burning social issue influencing the graduation rate of the country.

At the same time, some students have to look after their families as well. Lack of parental support and responsibility can plant massive pressure on the students.

Solution-You needs to identify and figure out the essential expenses. College years can be a rough ride. But, somehow, you have to survive in the race. So you can afford a better lifestyle according to your qualification. 

Get a suitable part-time job. Try to focus on high school or on-campus employment. It helps you to avoid lots of other problems and helps to save transportation expenses. You are free to apply for a student loan. But you need to be aware of the repayment procedure. Financial advisors can help you with this matter. Try to achieve good academic performances and get a scholarship. It is really helpful with the final years of college.

Health problems


The ongoing education system tends to forget that college students are also human beings. They can get sick too. Hugh stress, lack of sleep, and self-care can cause poor health conditions. Fast food is another significant problem.


Try to get a proper sleep around six to seven hours. Eat a balanced diet and reduce fast-food consumption. Look for alternatives and a variety of healthy foods at a manageable budget. Exercises are important for a healthy lifestyle. Try to take the maximum advantage of the gymnasium of your college and engage with enjoyable sports. It helps you to reduce the pressure as well. Spending time with your friends may ease your burdens and share happiness and experience. Meet your doctor when you are sick and take medication.



Anxiety is a feeling of unease and worry. Life is full of mystery and adventures. They fuel your internal anxiety. We all have some level of stress at some point in life. College students deal with anxiety daily. Exams, assignments, great expectations, and social insecurity may cause the high level of anxiety.


Take a break from your routine work. Maintain acceptable health practices. Share your burdens with a friend or family. More importantly, have the self-confidence and faith in you.

Problems student face in college



Young adults may refuse to admit this. But they quickly become homesick, and this is one of the typical first-year college student problems. If you live apart from your family and close friends, you can getfrustrate and feel lonely. Homesickness can happen due to the sudden change of environment as well. You may miss your old neighborhood and climate.


Try to visit your parents, hometown, and friends at least once or twice a month. Ask them to see you as well. Of course, you have to manage time and save money for the road. But this is also counted as a skill. You have to prepare yourself to bear the responsibilities of adulthood.

Try not to lose the connection with the loved ones. Stay in touch through calls, messages, and social media.

Selecting Major


Selection of the required number of credits per semester and the major are frequent problems faced by the students in classroom. Selecting a major is a critical choice for the future of the students. They also strangle with the required number of credits per semester.


You can pay attention to your interests, skills, and the demand of the world of work. Try to consider all these aspects and follow not only the brain but the heart. Hear the opinion of the academic advisors. Once you select the major, develop your passion and knowledge so you will finish the courses successfully. 

Controversial problems on college campuses


Problem-There is no problem with going to a party and enjoying yourself. But sometimes partying can cause problems due to the use of drugs and alcohol. It leads to poor and risky life choices. Sexual involvement without the conscience and precautions also has negative impacts on your future.


Try to enjoy yourself in a legally approved manner. Be conscious of yourself and your friends. Know your limit, draw your line, and be responsible for your actions. So you have a better chance at happiness.

Relationship problems

Problem- Romance is nice and healthy. They make you feel responsible and alive during tough times. But they also can be too much to handle and leave an impact on your education. Friend and families are also a significant part of relationships. As adults, students should maintain better interpersonal relationships with society.


Of course, there are no any hard and fast rules for better relationships. They depend on nature and the situation. Once again, be responsible for your actions. Maintain better communication. Respect each other’s choices and differences. Try to understand the problem and talk it through.

What can you do as a student?

What can you do as a student

· If you are struggling, try to understand the problems students face in the university.

· Seek advice from a suitable person. 

· Read problems college students face essay and try to relate.

· Accept and win the challenge.

· Do the right thing at the right time. 

· Be aware of your happiness and others.

What can you do as a parent, friend, and responsible figure?

· Read problems student face in school essay

· Understand and be supportive

· Guide them to the solution, but do not force them.

· Make the feel secured, cared, and loved

Wrapping up…

College education plays a vital role in a person’s life and the country’s economic and social context. Each state and nation has different education systems to educate their population. The innovative and adaptive education system will have a higher rate of success in this technological world. However, the roots of humanity need to preserve among the younger population. Thereby only we can have a chance of the world we all hope. To do that, education systems and society should pay much attention to college students. The problems college students face need to be taken into the spotlight. Students should be encouraged and motivated to achieve their dreams.

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