Whenever we have a quick question, for instance, about submitting our homework or have apprehension about our kid’s class performance, we should have the important skill of writing an email to a teacher. There are guidelines for writing an email to a teacher. We should write clear, polite emails to teachers and professors. We might get numerous reasons to write an email, and we should thoroughly know how to write an email to a teacher properly. Let us discuss the guidelines and examples of ways to write a courteous email to your teacher or professor.

How to Write an Email to a Teacher? – what should we be really concerned about?
- Use a Clear Subject Line
Teachers receive loads of emails daily. So, a clear, detailed subject line helps a teacher know precisely what the email is about, who wrote it, and the requirement. For instance, without writing “Homework question” as a title, be specific to write the email title as “Martin Kingsley – Question About Last Week’s Assignment”. It helps a teacher directly know who they are speaking to.
2. Choose the Correct Greeting
Open your email properly. If he or she is a teacher you never met before, use “Dear Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name.” If you know the teacher, you may use more casual greetings such as “Hi,” “Hello,” or “Good Morning.” Never use overly casual greetings as “Hey” or “What’s up,” and never address the teacher by their first Name except if they specified that they prefer you do so.
3. The structure as a Formal Letter
If you do your email format properly, you will be more likely to get the answer that you need. You may use the same structure as a formal letter. Remember, never get personal in the email or use overly casual language containing slang or email abbreviations.
4. Include Only Necessary Information
Teachers have a very busy schedule. So you have to focus on precisely what you need to say and avoid exceeding 3-4 sentences maximum. If not, you should probably be an in-person conversation.
- Keep Your Tone Respectful
- Use an Appropriate Salutation
Same as proper greetings smear to appropriate salutations. You have to end the email with “Thank you,” “Sincerely,” or else “Best,” followed by your full Name. For example, “Thanks,” “See You Tomorrow” otherwise no salutation at all.
How do you write a formal email to a teacher?
In less than a passage, our emails make an imprint on the person reading them. This consequence touches the timeliness and accuracy of their reply. Below are guidelines for sending formal emails that will raise the chances you get a quick and helpful response while respecting the teacher’s time.
- Use formal greetings
Dear [Name],
Hi [Name],
Good morning [Name],
Good evening [Name],
- Use formal closing lines.
Sincerely, [Your Name]
Best regards, [Your Name]
All the best, [Your Name]
- Personalize greetings with names and double-check the spelling
- Use formal titles, then follow suit.
“Dear Dr. Morales” instead of “Dear Molly.”
“Dear Mr. Johnson” instead of “Dear Julio.”
- Compose in Microsoft Word, not in the email program
- Provide context for the instructor
- Say thank you
- Keep it concise (Leave it fewer than 150 words.)
- Consider meeting in person (if it’s impossible, to sum up to 150 words)
- Proofread, spellcheck, and capitalize
- Write a specific subject line.
An example for an email to a college teacher using these guidelines:
To: julio. Hadleigh @example.email
From: ella.barney@example.email
Subject: CHEM 112: Citation Style Preference for Paper 2
Dear Professor Hadleigh,
I’m in your CHEM 112 Sec. 002 courses in Building 1, TTH from 2–4 pm. For the CHEM 112 literature review assignment due May. 30, which citation style should we use? APA, MLA, or another style?
Thanks for your time and help!
Ella Barney

How do you greet a teacher in an email?
Use a proper greeting. In most situations, when you are writing an email to your teacher, you may use “Dear Ms. Colton” – or else whatever the teacher’s Name is. I know your teacher for over a few weeks, it is acceptable to use “Hi Ms. Colton.” In each case, at all times, close your salutation with a comma.
- Examples of good email greetings:
Dear Mr. Colton,
Hi Mrs. Jones,
- Examples of bad email greetings:
What’s up.
How to write an email to a teacher asking for something?
- Let us write an email to a teacher asking a question.
Subject: Question about the Geography 1B assignment
Dear Professor Darby,
I am
Adrian Brown, from Geography 1B, Section 1. In the syllabus, the deadline for our newest assignment is listed as April 9th. Yet, in class on Monday, you stated April 12th as the deadline. Could you please verify the precise deadline?
Thank you so much for your time.
Adrian Brown.
- Now, let us write an email to a teacher asking for an appointment.
Subject: Psychology 1B: Appointment request
Dear Professor Perry,
I am a student in your Psychology 1B class, Section 1. I faced some problems in choosing a topic for my research paper, and I would appreciate it if I can discuss it with you during your office hours.
Please let me know if you are available to meet this week.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Lexie Chester.
How to write an email to a teacher? – sample
- A sample email to a professor about not attending class
Subject: Sociology 1B: Class attendance
Dear Professor Bristol,
This is Ben Camden, from Sociology 2B, Section 1. I am writing this to inform you that I won’t attend your class on Friday, as I have a doctor’s appointment at 10 am.
Please find my attached assignment that we are supposed to submit by Friday. I will also try my best to go through the tutorials you provided for next class and ask my friends to share their notes.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Ben Camden
How to write an email to a teacher from a parent?
Parents, teachers, and the student must work together to have the most successful school year possible for the child. Respectful and effective communication is one of the main things to achieve that. Now, let us see how to write an email to your child’s teacher in a decent manner!
- The teacher and the parent should have a positive relationship.
- A parent should be an advocate or supporter of their child.
- Remember that; Teacher + Child + Parent = Success!
- Arrive at a good start before writing the email to the teacher. The below guideline will help you to write an effective email.
- Include your kid’s first and last Name in the subject line with 2 or 3 words about the requirement.
- Limit the write to 2 to 3 paragraphs.
- If it’s a more important concern, cc or bcc the principal.
- If the teacher has quite a few classes, mention which class period your kid is in.
- Address respectful and calm.
- Use the word “I” to avoid the sense of defensiveness. In place of, you told the class that or else you gave him a 60 on his spelling test…
– I am worried about…
– I am concerned about…
– My heart is distressed because…
- Whenever you need to talk, inquire them to call or else have a meeting about the matter.
- Be a teacher advocate.
- Update the teacher when there is “stuff”. For instance, separation, moving, a new baby, father’s out of the country for a month- single mom, etc. They must know to have empathy for your kid.
- Remember that whatever you type in an email can be saved and printed out.
A sample email to Teacher from Parent about Vacation
Subject: Request for Four Days Leave for Vacation
Dear Madam,
My Name is Laila Hill, mother to Judy Hill, a student in your grade five (5) class. I am writing to request you grant her vacation leave for four days from April 2nd to April 5th, 2022; we will attend her elder sister’s wedding.
This is an important event for the family to attend, and Jude is a maid at her sister’s wedding. I will guarantee she works hard to catch the missed lessons on those days.
I will be so grateful if you grant her permission.
Thanks in advance and hoping to hear from you soonest.
Laila Hill, Mother to Jude Hill

How to write an email to a teacher about a grade?
- A sample Email to a professor about grades
Subject: History 1B: Inquiring about my grade
Dear Professor Kent,
My Name is Sarah Landon, from English Literature 1B, Section 1. I wondered if I could set up an appointment to have a discussion about my grade on the [Assignment name].
I have already checked that your office hours are scheduled on Thursdays from 2 to 5 pm. If this is exact, please let me know if I can come.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Sarah Landon
How to write an email to a teacher about missing/ not attending class?
Subject: Absence (class and section)
Dear Professor Woodley,
I want to apologize for not being able to attend your BIO lecture on August 14th on compassionate grounds. I will bring the finished assignment on August 15th. I have verified your work schedule and will bring it during work hours. Will it be convenient for you?
Best regards,
(your full Name, class, and section).
How to write an email to a teacher about being absent?
- Sample Email Template: You’re Sick and being absent
Dear [Lecturer’s Name],
I’m so sorry to say I am going to miss the Molecular Biology class on Wednesday. I am sick and have a case of dizziness. It’s very hard for me to get out of bed. I will bring a Doctor’s certificate to next week’s class for you.
I looked over the lecture slides on the weekend, and I think I manage them well enough. I am doubting if there were any quizzes or materials that you were planning on using in class that you could send off to me to look over them as well?
Again, I sincerely apologize and hope to be back on my feet next week to catch up.
[Your Name]
[Your Class]
How to write an email to a teacher for a recommendation?
Subject: Brittany Angel Recommendation Request
Dear Ms. Kenley,
I am writing this to you to request that you reference me as I start my job search. I will be completing the graduate studies this summer and have found quite a few exciting chances that I explore.
As our undergraduate thesis advisor and mentor, I think that a reference from you would offer a potential employer with info to recommend me as a school counsellor.
If you need any additional details, please contact me via email or phone.
Thank you very much for your consideration and support.
Brittany Angel
How to write an email to a teacher about homework for your child?
Subject: Homework of Michael Chester
Dear Madam,
My Name is Mr. Chester, father to Michael Chester. I am writing to apologize on behalf of my son, who could not complete his homework on Friday due to an emergency caused at home. His little sister got in a small accident so we had to rush her to hospital.
We came home quite late, and Michael was not able to do his homework.
Kindly accept my sincere excuse on behalf of him. I am grateful for continued support on his learning.
Yours sincerely
Mr. Chester, Michael’s Father
How to write an email to a teacher about being sick?
Subject: Monica Adams’ Absence
Dear Mr. Graham,
Please accept this written notification of my absence on January 20th, 2022. I am unable to attend lectures due to sickness.
If you need additional information, please let me know.
Monica Adams
Sample emails of – How to write an email to a professor?
- A sample email to a professor requesting an appointment
Subject: physics 2B: Appointment request
Dear Professor Stanley,
I am a student in your Physics 2B class, Section 1. I faced some issues with selecting a topic for my research paper, and I would be pleased if I can discuss it with you during your office hours.
Please let me know if you are available to meet this week.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Monica Adams
2. A sample email to a professor asking a question
Subject: Question about the History 3B assignment
Dear Professor Smith,
I am Monica Adams, from History 3B, Section 1. In the syllabus, the deadline for our new assignment is mentioned as April 10th. However, in class on Monday, you stated April 12th as the deadline.
Could you please verify the correct deadline?
Thank you so much for your time.
Monica Adams
3. A sample email to a professor about grades
Subject: History 1B: Inquiring about my grade
Dear Professor Smith,
My Name is Monica Adams, from History 1B, Section 1. I wondered whether we could set up an appointment to discuss my grade on the [Assignment name].
I already checked that your office hours are scheduled on Tuesdays from 3 to 5 pm. Please, let me know whether I can come.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
Monica Adams

How to write an email to submit an assignment to the teacher?
Subject: Assignment submission (subject, class and section)
Dear Professor Hale,
I apologize for not being able to attend your lecture on August 14th on compassionate grounds. I will submit the finished Psychology assignment with this email. Please find the attachment of the assignment below. If there is anything concerning this, please let me know.
Thank you.
Best regards,
(your full Name, class, and section).
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